Mini Astrology Chart


Astrology is a fascinating tool and a very useful one to help you understand more about yourself and your life path.

With this mini chart, you will be given a short and insightful paragraph to each of the following placements and their degree:
North Node

In order for this to be as accurate as possible, please ensure your date, time and location of birth are correct. Even the slightest 10-15 minute difference in time can change the degree or sign a planet is in. Please only use this service if you are sure of your time of birth.

As Mozinah is still a student with Astrology yet to undertake her exams, these readings are offered at a discount to the buyer to help her practice. It would be appreciated if the client could leave a short testimonial when using this service.

You must be over 18 years old to use the services listed.
Please provide your date of birth when asked.
You will be contacted once you have purchased your reading.
Please make sure the e-mail address used for payment is yours as that will be the e-mail address I will contact you on.
Email readings will be done in order of purchase.
No readings will be conducted on the weekend and purchases made from 5pm Friday through til 10am Monday will be dealt with in order of purchase.

​All products and services listed here or elsewhere provided by Mozinah/Mozinah the Seer are for entertainment purposes only.
​Questions on Health, Pregnancy, Financial or Legal issues may be answered however those seeking advice on the matter(s) should consult a professional.
​Mozinah/Mozinah the Seer does not conduct mediumship readings.
​All readings and guidance are to enlighten and does not interfere with the clients free will and life choices, it is up to the client how they choose to use the guidance given.
Mozinah the Seer holds no responsibility as to how you interpret or use the guidance given.


  • 96 in stock